Jun 12, 2024
- Navigate to the installer, either on \\uk-nas\vscan or on the adobe website
- Select your chosen language installer
- Copy this chosen installer to your machine in a location of your choosing
- This step is important, adobe reader will delete its installer after running, removing the installer for others
- Right click and select “Run as Admin”
- If required, enter admin credentials, if you do not have any you will need to use Heimdal (see guide) or contact the helpdesk at [email protected]
- A window should appear, it should look like the following, wait until the download bar has filled to completion
- Once the installer has completed its download you should see the following message
- This means you have successfully completed the installation, you may now press the yellow “Finish” button
- If you did not see the same screen and instead had a failure of some type during this process, please start again from the beginning of the process, if this still creates an error please contact the helpdesk at [email protected]