Jan 23, 2025
- Naviagte to the target machien within Ninja
- Navigate to "Scripts"
- Search for the following Script "SCRIPT - W10->W11 In Place Upgrader"
- Run this, as System, with no flags
- This script is a silent, background upgrader, it will only report to the user when it intends to restart, giving a 1-2 minute warning when it does
- This does not make it conducive to track progress, however, you can track download progress through task manager's network monitor
- You can also look for the following processes in Task Manager
Option A
Option B
- The other option is to run the tool, manually, with GUI, which will require you to follow Microsofts guide steps to verify the TPM before upgrade
- Starting here -> https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/how-to-use-the-pc-health-check-app-9c8abd9b-03ba-4e67-81ef-36f37caa7844
- And then continuing here with the installation assistant -> https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows11